Interested in writing for Reverie Magazine? Please follow these guidelines when making your pitch.

The REVERIE Daily beat
Articles should be about leading creative voices that are innovating their craft applied to the wedding industry in Europe, or have implications for it, informing and entertaining newly engaged brides to be on how to make their wedding the event of the decade. We’re interested in everything from broad art, fashion, cultural and technological trends to specific innovating wedding service & product providers.

Submission standards
All submissions should be your own work, and include original reporting. Please ensure that your piece is not published elsewhere, unless agreed in writing. When drawing on others’ reporting or research, please reference in the body of the article, with hyperlinks to the original.

Anatomy of a pitch
Please submit your pitches in the body of an email with a suggested headline, sell, interviewees, and image sources.

Please send your pitches to

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